class documentation

Model configuration

Class Variable excludeColumns exclude columns names from autoload
Class Variable fields model fields
Class Variable isEditable this model is editable
Class Variable loadingStrategy loading strategy for features
Class Variable sort default sorting
Class Variable tableViewColumns fields to include in the table view
Class Variable templates feature templates
Class Variable title model title
Class Variable withAutoFields autoload non-configured model fields from the source
Class Variable withTableView enable table view for this model

Inherited from ConfigWithAccess:

Class Variable access permission to use the object
Class Variable permissions additional permissions

Inherited from Config (via ConfigWithAccess):

Class Variable uid unique ID

Inherited from Data (via ConfigWithAccess, Config):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method update Undocumented
excludeColumns: t.Optional[list[str]] = (source)

exclude columns names from autoload

fields: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.modelField]] = (source)

model fields

isEditable: bool = (source)

this model is editable

loadingStrategy: t.Optional[gws.FeatureLoadingStrategy] = (source)

loading strategy for features

sort: t.Optional[list[gws.SortOptions]] = (source)

default sorting

tableViewColumns: t.Optional[list[TableViewColumn]] = (source)

fields to include in the table view

templates: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.template]] = (source)

feature templates

title: str = (source)

model title

withAutoFields: bool = (source)

autoload non-configured model fields from the source

withTableView: bool = (source)

enable table view for this model