package documentation

Data models.

A data model, or simply Model, is an object that deals with Features from external sources, like database tables, shape files, gml responses etc.

A mission of a Model is to read Features from a source and convert them to a form suitable for the client representation. An editable Model can, moreover, receive Features from the client and store them back in a source (not necessarily the same one).


A Feature is a collection of named attributes. One of these attributes can optionally act as a unique ID (uid), and another one can be the feature geometry (shape).

There are three kinds of objects that represent Features:

The Feature object (gws.core.types.IFeature) is an internal representation of a Feature. It provides storage for attributes and convenience methods to extract or mutate them. A Feature also contains client views, which are chunks of HTML rendered by templates.

The FeatureRecord object (gws.core.types.FeatureRecord) is a data-only object, that only contains a dict of attributes and, optionally, some metadata properties, depending on the source. For example, GML feature records usually contain the layer name.

The FeatureProps object (gws.core.types.FeatureProps) contains data necessary to display a Feature in the client. When viewing Features, client only needs their shape and views. In the edit context, FeatureProps also contains a dict of attributes.

Operation modes

Models are used to perform several abstract operations:

  • view - the client provides a SearchQuery (gws.core.types.SearchQuery) and expects a list of matching FeatureProps, suitable for viewing
  • edit - the same as view, but the Props are suitable for editing (e.g. contain attributes)
  • init - the client requests a new empty Feature to be initialized and sent back
  • create - the client sends feature props and wants to create new features in the source
  • update - the client sends feature props and wants to update existing features
  • delete - the client sends feature props and wants respective features to be deleted


A Model usually contains a collection of Field objects (gws.core.types.IModelField). A Field deals with a subset of feature data and can convert it between representations and validate it.

When a Model performs an operation, it is delegated to all its Fields in turn.

A Model without fields, called "ad-hoc" or "default" Model, can only perform view operations. It simply copies attributes between Features and FeatureRecords.

There are two types of Fields: "scalar" Fields represent one or multiple attributes (columns) in the Source itself, "related" Fields represent Features from other Models, linked to the current Model.


To perform a model operation, the user must have a permission to do so. The permissions (gws.core.types.Access) are interpreted as follows:

  • read - can perform view operation
  • write - can perform edit and update
  • create - can perform edit, init and create
  • delete - can perform edit and delete

It is an error to perform a model operation without permission.

Each Field can also have permissions, interpreted as follows:

  • read - the content of the field can be read from the source
  • write - user input for this field can be written to the source

It is not an error to attempt to read or write a field without permission. The attempt is just silently ignored.

If a Field has fixed or default values defined, these are applied regardless of Field permissions. Field "read" permissions are applied when a Feature is converted to Props, "write" permissions - when it's converted to a Record.


When an operation is about to be performed, the system creates a ModelContext data object (mc), which contains:

  • operation mode (view, edit etc)
  • User performing the operation
  • current Project
  • other properties, mostly database related

Models provide methods to perform operations, while Fields contain callback methods, which are invoked by a Model.

For example, the update workflow is designed like this:

class Model

    def update_features (features)

        for each feature
            attach an empty FeatureRecord to feature

        open a transaction in the Source

        for each field in this model
            invoke "before_update" callback for each field
            this callback is expected to transfer data from feature.attributes to feature.record

        write changes to the source, using feature.uid as a key and feature.record as data
        (e.g. UPDATE source SET ... WHERE id=feature.uid)

        for each field in this model
            invoke "after_update" callback for each field
            this callback is expected to synchronize updated data, e.g. update a linked model

        commit the transaction
Module core Base model.
Module dynamic_model Undocumented
Module field Undocumented
Module manager Model manager.
Module related_field Generic related field.
Module scalar_field Generic scalar field.
Module util Model utilities.
Module validator Base model validator.
Module value Undocumented
Module widget Base class for field widgets.