Building custom documentation

You can use the GWS documentation generator to build custom documentation for your projects and plugins. To do that, write your docs in the format, as described in Dog, the documentation generator, create a json file with your options (see Options) and pass it to doc: doc -opt /path/to/my-options.json

You can use any dog option in my-options.json, but the only mandatory one is docRoots, which tells the generator where your documentation is located.

If you want to create a separate documentation website for your project only, specify your root directory in the options file and ensure your documentation has the "root section", for example:


{ "docRoots": ["/path/to/my/docs"] }


# My Documentation :/


If you want to integrate your documentation in GWS core docs, specify both your directory and the GWS directory in the options file and mark your start section as :/extra/<name>. For example:


{ "docRoots": ["/path/to/my/docs", "/path/to/gbd-websuite"] }


# My Documentation :/extra/my-project


Your documentation will appear on the top level of the GWS docs, along with other "books".