Dog, the documentation generator

Dog collects documents in a given root folder (source tree), compiles them into a tree of nested sections and generates a set of html files or a pdf from this tree.

Since the docs are "scattered" across the source tree, each module or plugin can keep its docs within its own folder.

Document filenames and paths do not matter, the structure of the documentation is determined solely by document headers.

The docs are written in Markdown + Jump commands.


The Dog documentation is a nested hierarchy of "sections". A section is a chunk of text with a header and a sid (section id). A sid is like a path in a virtual documentation filesystem.

Each section starts with a Markdown header, optionally followed by a colon and a sid.

# Introduction :/docs/developer/intro

Deeper headings (with more #'s) create the section hierarchy.

# First Top-Level Section
    ## Subsection 1
    ## Subsection 2
# Second Top-Level Section
    ## Subsection
        ### Sub-sub-section

Heading levels are only used to create hierarchies, the final output rendering (h1, h2 etc.) is determined by the section depth (the number of slashes in the sid) and the file split-level (see "options" below).

Section embedding

A heading with no title and only a sid means "find a section with this sid and paste its content right here".

For example, assume we have files like this:

# Our docs :/docs

## Welcome
    Hi there

## :/docs/first

## More stuff
    Some text

## :/docs/second

## First Thing :/docs/first
    Discussion of the first thing

## Second Thing :/docs/second
    Discussion of the second thing

Then, the compiled documentation will be like:

# Our docs :/docs

## Welcome :/docs/welcome
    Hi there

## First Thing :/docs/first
    Discussion of the first thing

## More stuff :/docs/more-stuff
    Some text

## Second Thing :/docs/second
    Discussion of the second thing

An embedded section sid can contain a wildcard component *, in which case all matching sections are included and sorted alphabetically by their titles. For example, if we have these files:

# Tags :/docs/details/tags
    Something about tags

# Attributes :/docs/details/attributes
    Something about attributes

# Values :/docs/details/values
    Something about values

# Our docs :/docs

## Details

Some details:

## :/docs/details/*

The result will be like this:

# Our docs :/docs

## Details :/docs/details

Some details:

## Attributes :/docs/details/attributes
    Something about attributes

## Tags :/docs/details/tags
    Something about tags

## Values :/docs/details/values
    Something about values

When Dog compiles your documentation, it starts with the section named / (root section) and recursively collects all embedded sections. Sections that are not embedded anywhere ("unbound sections") are ignored (with a warning).

More on Sids

A section sid denotes the section position in the tree and is used to refer to the section from elsewhere.

A sid consists of components, separated by a slash. A component name can contain lowercase letters, digits, dots and dashes.

A section can have an absolute sid (which starts with a slash), a relative one, or no sid at all. The final sid for a section is determined using the following algorithm:

  • if the sid is /, it is taken as is. The section becomes the root section
  • if no sid is given, the section title is converted to a component name and used as a sid
  • if a sid is given and ends with a slash, the title is converted to a component name and appended to the sid
  • if the sid is absolute, it is taken as is, and its heading level is ignored
  • if the sid is relative, the compiler uses its heading level to locate parent and sibling sections in the current file
  • if there is a parent section, the sid is added to the parent sid
  • if there is a sibling section, the sid replaces the last component of the sibling sid
  • if none of the above applies, error

The first section in a file must provide a sid and this sid has to be absolute.


# First Section :/docs
    This section has a complete absolute sid.

    ## Alpha Stuff :alpha
        This sub-section has a relative sid, which is added to the parent.
        The final sid of this section will be `/docs/alpha`

    ## Beta Stuff
        This sub-section has no sid, so it will be generated and added to the parent.
        The final sid will be `/docs/beta-stuff`

    ## Gamma Stuff :gamma

        ### Some Details :details
            This section is deeper than "gamma", so "gamma" will be the parent.
            The final sid will be `/docs/gamma/details`

        ### Fine Print :more/
            This section is deeper than "gamma" and its sid ends with a slash, so a generated sid will be added.
            The final sid will be `/docs/gamma/more/fine-print`.
            Note that this section becomes a 4th level section, despite the 3rd level heading.

# Second Section :second
    This section has a relative sid, which replaces the last component of the sibling (`docs`).
    The final sid will be `/second`

# Third Section
    This section has no sid, so it will be generated and merged with the sibling.
    The final sid will be `/third-section`

Section linking

A section can be linked to with its sid in the standard Markdown link notation:

See [](/docs/first/second) for more details

See also [here](/docs/first/third)

If no text is given, the section title will be used. Relative sids are resolved relatively to the containing section sid.

Linking to a section doesn't make it a part of the tree. The section still needs to be embedded somewhere.

Working with assets

You can refer to any asset (image, video, document) from the source tree just by mentioning its filename, no matter where the file is physically located:

Image: Look at ![this](picture.jpg)

Link:  See [our price list](prices.pdf)

If you have multiple different assets with the same filename, provide just enough of the path to make a distinction:

Look at ![this](color/picture.jpg)

Look at ![this](bw/picture.jpg)

Markdown extensions

Dog provides a few extensions to standard Markdown.


Tables work as in GFM:

| foo | bar |
| baz | bim |



Code blocks

Fenced code blocks are formatted with Pygments:


print("Hi", 40 + 2)  # test


print("Hi", 40 + 2)  # test

Additionally, you can add a title and line numbers to the block:

```py title="Example 1" numbers=5

print("Hi", 40 + 2)  # line 5


Example 1

print("Hi", 40 + 2)  # line 5


A decoration looks like {myclass text} and generates an HTML span element with the class name decoration_myclass.

> Click the {button Exit} button to exit


Click the Exit button to exit

(provided .decoration_button is defined in your css).


Dog supports all Jump commands (like if or include) and provides a set of its own commands. To avoid excessive escaping, Jump syntax is redefined as follows:

#% commands start with a percent sign
%include foo

#% echoes are enclosed in <% %>
<% someVar %>


Creates a local table of contents for given section ids. If depth is omitted, it defaults to 1. Relative sids are resolved relative to the container. You can also use * just like in the section embedding.

%toc depth=3


Creates an "info" admonition:

    To whom it may concern.

To whom it may concern.


Creates a "warning" admonition:

    Here be dragons.

Here be dragons.


Draws a graph with GraphViz. The dot command must be installed and be in your PATH. A diagram can have an optional caption.

%graph 'Simple graph'
    digraph {
        one -> two
%3 one one two two one->two
Simple graph


Draws a database diagram.

A DB diagram consists of tables and arrows. A table is a name, followed by a list of columns in (...). Each column has a name, an optional type and an optional key indicator (pk for a primary key, fk for a foreign key). An arrow is like parent.column -< child.column or child.column >- parent.column, where < and > indicate the "crow's foot", the "many" side of a 1:m link.

%dbgraph 'Our database layout'
    house (
        id int pk,
        name text,
        street_id fk
    street (
        id int pk,
        name text,
        city_id fk
    city (
        id int pk,
        name text

    house.street_id >- -< street.city_id
%3 house house id          int    name        text   street_id        house_street_id_street_id house:street_id->house_street_id_street_id street street id        int    name      text   city_id        city city id     int    name   text   city_id_street_city_id city:id->city_id_street_city_id house_street_id_street_id->street:id city_id_street_city_id->street:city_id
Our database layout

Python API

Dog provides the following API functions:

dog.build_html(options: Options | dict)

builds the HTML documentation.

dog.build_pdf(options: Options | dict)

builds the PDF documentation (requires wkhtmltopdf).

dog.start_server(options: Options | dict)

starts a development server with live reload.

The options argument is either the object like below or a dictionary with the same keys and value types.


class Options:
    docRoots: list[str] = []
    """Documentation root directories."""

    outputDir: str = ''
    """Output directory."""

    docPatterns: list[str] = ['*']
    """Shell patterns for documentation files."""

    assetPatterns: list[str] = ['*.svg', '*.png']
    """Shell patterns for asset files."""

    excludeRegex: str = ''
    """Paths matching this regex will be excluded."""

    debug: bool = False
    """Debug/verbose mode."""

    fileSplitLevel: dict = {}
    """Split levels for output files."""

    pageTemplate: str = ''
    """Jump template for HTML pages."""

    webRoot: str = ''
    """Prefix for all URLs."""

    staticDir: str = '_static'
    """Web directory for static files."""

    extraAssets: list[str] = []
    """Extra assets to be copied to the static dir."""

    includeTemplate: str = ''
    """Jump template to include in every section."""

    serverHost: str = ''
    """Live server hostname."""

    serverPort: int = 5500
    """Live server port."""

    title: str = ''
    """Documentation title."""

    subTitle: str = ''
    """Documentation subtitle."""

    pdfPageTemplate: str = ''
    """Jump template for PDF."""

    pdfOptions: dict = {}
    """Options for wkhtmltopdf."""

file split-level

A file split-level is a number that tells Dog how to create output files.

0 (default) means all documentation will be stored in a single file (index.html).

1 means one file per a top-level section. All subsections of a top-level sections will be stored in the same file:

/a      ->  /a/index.html
/a/b    ->  /a/index.html
/a/b/c  ->  /a/index.html
/a/d    ->  /a/index.html

/x/y    ->  /x/index.html
/x/z    ->  /x/index.html
/x/z/w  ->  /x/index.html

2 will create separate files for level-one and level-two sections:

/a      ->  /a/index.html

/a/b    ->  /a/b/index.html
/a/b/c  ->  /a/b/index.html

/a/d    ->  /a/d/index.html

/x/y    ->  /x/y/index.html

/x/z    ->  /x/z/index.html
/x/z/w  ->  /x/z/index.html

and so on.

The option fileSplitLevel is a dictionary that maps sids to split-level values. A value applies to the section itself and its descendants by default.

Thus, to define the default value for all sections, use the root sid /:

"fileSplitLevel": {
    "/": 1,

You can override the default for any subsection. For example, you can decide to split all content into second-level files, except for the section "x", which should all be stored in a single file. Then, this configuration:

"fileSplitLevel": {
    "/": 2,
    "/x": 1

will result in the following file structure:

-- using the default level "2"

/a      ->  /a/index.html
/a/b    ->  /a/b/index.html
/a/b/c  ->  /a/b/index.html
/a/d    ->  /a/d/index.html

-- using the custom level "1"

/x/y    ->  /x/index.html
/x/z    ->  /x/index.html
/x/z/w  ->  /x/index.html

include template

This template, if provided, is included in every source file. Can be used to define custom Jump commands.

page template

A page template is a Jump template which is rendered for each html page. This template gets the following arguments:

breadcrumbsarray of tuples (section-url,section-head)
homeurl of the documentation home page
mainmain html content for this page
optionsoptions object as defined above
pathhtml path for this page
subTitledocumentation subtitle
titledocumentation title