
A project in GWS consists of a map, print templates and additional options. Besides that, you can override some application options for each project individually.

Project locations

There are three ways to add projects to your GWS installation (you can also combine them):

projects configure projects directly in the main configuration
projectPaths include specific project configurations
projectDirs include all projects from directories

When using projectDirs, the server searches the specified directories recursively and adds all files that end with or config.json or config.yaml.

Each project configuration file can contain a configuration for a single project, or an array of such configurations.

Project configurations

A project configuration should contain at least uid (project unique id), title and map configurations. Some options, like access, assets and client override respective application and website options. printer describes project print templates (see Printing). Here’s an example of a minimal project configuration

    "title": "Hello",
    "uid": "project1",
    "map": {
        "view": {
            "extent": [554000, 6461000, 954000, 6861000],
            "scales": [1e3, 5e3, 1e4]
        "layers": [
                "title": "OpenStreetMap",
                "type": "client",
                "kind": "osm"


A map is basically a collection of layers (see Layers). A map configuration can also contain Cache, Grid and View options that serve as fallback for layers that don’t define them explicitly. The crs option must be valid EPSG CRS reference string. All layers in the project will be displayed in the CRS. Sources with different projections will be dynamically reprojected.


A project configuration can also serve as a template for multiple projects. To set up a template, provide a regular expression in the multi option. The server enumerates all files on the server that match that expression, and creates a project config for each file found by replacing placeholders in other options’ values. The placeholders are in the form {{$<number>}} where the number indicates a capturing group in the multi regex. {{$0}} is replaced with the complete path matched.

For example, this template will enumerate all QGIS projects in /data/qgis-maps and create a project with a qgis layer for each .qgs file, using the file name as a project title

"multi": "/data/qgis-maps/(.+?).qgs$",
"title": "Project {{$1}}",
"map": {
    "layers": [
            "type": "qgis",
            "path": "{{$0}}"

In addition to regex placeholders, following placeholders are supported

{{path}} full path of the current file
{{dirname}} directory name of the current file
{{filename}} file name of the current file
{{index}} index of the current file in the list

Project HTML page

To display your project in a web browser, you need an HTML page that should contain our Javascript Client (see GBD WebSuite Client) and the project ID, so that the client knows which project to load. There must be a div element on the page with the class name gws. This is where the client UI will be loaded. Otherwise, you can design your start page freely. Here’s an example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title>My First Project!</title>

    <!-- Load the Client, 2.3.1 is the version you're using -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/gws-client/gws-light-2.3.1.css" type="text/css">
    <script src="/gws-client/gws-vendor-2.3.1.js"></script>
    <script src="/gws-client/gws-client-2.3.1.js"></script>

    <!-- Position the Client as you wish -->
        .gws {
            position: fixed;
            left: 10px;
            top: 20px;
            right: 40px;
            bottom: 50px;

    <!-- Project uid, as defined in the config file -->
        GWS_PROJECT_UID = "project1";

    <!-- Your own css, if needed -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/my-style.css" type="text/css">

    <!-- Your additional css/scripts and other resources -->


    <!-- This is where the Client will be loaded -->
    <div class="gws"></div>

    You can add more content here...

Place this file in your configured web directory (see Web Server) to make it available from the web.