OWS Services

GBD WebSuite can act as an OWS (OGC Web Services) server. You can freely configure these services for each project.

Supported services

Currently these services are supported:


WMS is fully implemented according to the version 1.3.0 specification.


WFS is implemented according to the version 2.0 specification. The WFS service provides the following capabilities:

  • ImplementsBasicWFS
  • KVPEncoding
  • ImplementsResultPaging

inspirewms ~~~

inspirewfs ~~~

meta ~~~

ISO19115 metadata service


Application and project configuration

To enable OWS services for a whole application or a project, add an ows action to the application/project configuration action block. In the action configuration, specify which services are enabled. Additionally, you can provide an xml namespace name and url for GetFeature documents.

    "type": "ows",
    "services": [
            "type": "wms",
            "enabled": true
            "type": "wfs",
            "enabled": true
    "xmlNamespace": "mynamespace",
    "xmlNamespaceUri": "https://my-site.com/mynamespace"

Layer configuration

Most of the time, the suitable service type is inferred from the layer type, e.g. an image layer is available for the WMS service, a vector layer for a WFS service. You can also specify the services in the layer configuration, and optionally provide a value for the layer OWS name

    "type": "qgis",
    "title": "My qgis project",
    "ows": {
        "name": "myFeature",
        "servicesEnabled": ["wms", "wfs"]

External service layers are automatically “cascaded”.

URL rewriting

By default, OWS services are exposed under a dynamic URL, for example


If you want to rewrite this url to a nicer form (see Web Server for details), for example


you have to also provide a reversedRewrite rule in the web configuration for WMS/WFS capabilities documents

"reversedRewrite": [
        "match": "^cmd=owsHttpGet&projectUid=([a-z0-9_-]+)$",
        "target": "/services/$1?"