class documentation

Server module configuation

Class Variable autoRun shell command to run before server start
Class Variable log logging configuation
Class Variable mapproxy bundled Mapproxy module
Class Variable monitor monitor configuation
Class Variable qgis bundled Qgis module
Class Variable spool spool server module
Class Variable timeout server timeout
Class Variable timeZone timezone for this server
Class Variable web web server module

Inherited from Config:

Class Variable uid unique ID

Inherited from Data (via Config):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method update Undocumented
autoRun: str = (source)

shell command to run before server start

logging configuation

bundled Mapproxy module

monitor configuation

bundled Qgis module

spool server module

timeout: gws.Duration = (source)

server timeout

timeZone: str = (source)

timezone for this server

web server module