class documentation


Class Variable dbUid Qgis project database
Class Variable directRender QGIS data providers that should be rendered directly
Class Variable directSearch QGIS data providers that should be searched directly
Class Variable forceCrs use this CRS for requests
Class Variable path Qgis project file
Class Variable projectName Qgis project name
Class Variable schema Qgis project schema
Class Variable sqlFilters per-layer sql filters

Inherited from Config:

Class Variable uid unique ID

Inherited from Data (via Config):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method update Undocumented
dbUid: t.Optional[str] = (source)

Qgis project database

directRender: t.Optional[list[str]] = (source)

QGIS data providers that should be rendered directly

directSearch: t.Optional[list[str]] = (source)

QGIS data providers that should be searched directly

forceCrs: t.Optional[gws.CrsName] = (source)

use this CRS for requests

path: t.Optional[gws.FilePath] = (source)

Qgis project file

projectName: t.Optional[str] = (source)

Qgis project name

schema: t.Optional[str] = (source)

Qgis project schema

sqlFilters: t.Optional[dict] = (source)

per-layer sql filters