class documentation

LDAP authorization provider

Class Variable activeDirectory true if the LDAP server is ActiveDirectory
Class Variable bindDN bind DN
Class Variable bindPassword bind password
Class Variable displayNameFormat format for user's display name
Class Variable timeout LDAP server timeout
Class Variable url //host:port/baseDN?searchAttribute"
Class Variable users map LDAP filters to gws roles

Inherited from Config:

Class Variable allowedMethods allowed authorization methods

Inherited from Config (via Config):

Class Variable uid unique ID

Inherited from Data (via Config, Config):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method update Undocumented
activeDirectory: bool = (source)

true if the LDAP server is ActiveDirectory

bindDN: t.Optional[str] = (source)

bind DN

bindPassword: t.Optional[str] = (source)

bind password

displayNameFormat: t.Optional[gws.FormatStr] = (source)

format for user's display name

timeout: gws.Duration = (source)

LDAP server timeout

url: str = (source)


users: list[UserSpec] = (source)

map LDAP filters to gws roles