class documentation

class LayerClientOptions(Data): (source)

Constructor: LayerClientOptions(*args, **kwargs)

View In Hierarchy

Client options for a layer

Class Variable exclusive only one of this layer's children is visible at a time
Class Variable expanded the layer is expanded in the list view
Class Variable hidden the layer is initially hidden
Class Variable selected the layer is initially selected
Class Variable unfolded the layer is not listed, but its children are
Class Variable unlisted the layer is hidden in the list view

Inherited from Data:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method update Undocumented
exclusive: bool = (source)

only one of this layer's children is visible at a time

expanded: bool = (source)

the layer is expanded in the list view

hidden: bool = (source)

the layer is initially hidden

selected: bool = (source)

the layer is initially selected

unfolded: bool = (source)

the layer is not listed, but its children are

unlisted: bool = (source)

the layer is hidden in the list view