class documentation

Site (virtual host) configuration

Class Variable assets assets location and options
Class Variable canonicalHost hostname for reversed rewriting
Class Variable cors cors configuration
Class Variable errorPage error page template
Class Variable host host name
Class Variable rewrite rewrite rules
Class Variable root document root location and options

Inherited from Config:

Class Variable uid unique ID

Inherited from Data (via Config):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method update Undocumented
assets: t.Optional[DocumentRootConfig] = (source)

assets location and options

canonicalHost: str = (source)

hostname for reversed rewriting

cors: t.Optional[CorsConfig] = (source)

cors configuration

errorPage: t.Optional[gws.ext.config.template] = (source)

error page template

host: str = (source)

host name

rewrite: t.Optional[list[RewriteRuleConfig]] = (source)

rewrite rules

document root location and options