class documentation

Project configuration

Class Variable actions project-specific actions
Class Variable assets project-specific assets options
Class Variable client project-specific gws client configuration
Class Variable finders search providers
Class Variable locales project locales
Class Variable map Map configuration
Class Variable metadata project metadata
Class Variable models data models
Class Variable overviewMap Overview map configuration
Class Variable owsServices OWS services configuration
Class Variable printers print configurations
Class Variable templates project info templates
Class Variable title project title
Class Variable type Undocumented

Inherited from ConfigWithAccess:

Class Variable access permission to use the object
Class Variable permissions additional permissions

Inherited from Config (via ConfigWithAccess):

Class Variable uid unique ID

Inherited from Data (via ConfigWithAccess, Config):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method update Undocumented
actions: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.action]] = (source)

project-specific actions

project-specific assets options

project-specific gws client configuration

finders: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.finder]] = (source)

search providers

locales: t.Optional[list[str]] = (source)

project locales

Map configuration

metadata: t.Optional[gws.Metadata] = (source)

project metadata

models: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.model]] = (source)

data models

overviewMap: t.Optional[] = (source)

Overview map configuration

owsServices: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.owsService]] = (source)

OWS services configuration

printers: t.Optional[list[gws.base.printer.Config]] = (source)

print configurations

templates: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.template]] = (source)

project info templates

title: str = (source)

project title

type: str = (source)
