class documentation

Layer configuration

Class Variable cache cache configuration
Class Variable clientOptions options for the layer display in the client
Class Variable cssSelector css selector for feature layers
Class Variable extent layer extent
Class Variable extentBuffer extent buffer
Class Variable finders search providers
Class Variable grid client grid
Class Variable legend legend configuration
Class Variable metadata layer metadata
Class Variable models data models
Class Variable opacity layer opacity
Class Variable ows configuration for OWS services
Class Variable templates layer templates
Class Variable title layer title
Class Variable withCache layer is cached
Class Variable withLegend layer has a legend
Class Variable withOws layer is enabled for OWS services
Class Variable withSearch layer is searchable
Class Variable zoom layer resolutions and scales

Inherited from ConfigWithAccess:

Class Variable access permission to use the object
Class Variable permissions additional permissions

Inherited from Config (via ConfigWithAccess):

Class Variable uid unique ID

Inherited from Data (via ConfigWithAccess, Config):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method get Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method update Undocumented
cache: t.Optional[CacheConfig] = (source)

cache configuration

options for the layer display in the client

cssSelector: str = (source)

css selector for feature layers

extent: t.Optional[gws.Extent] = (source)

layer extent

extentBuffer: t.Optional[int] = (source)

extent buffer

finders: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.finder]] = (source)

search providers

grid: t.Optional[GridConfig] = (source)

client grid

legend configuration

metadata: t.Optional[gws.Metadata] = (source)

layer metadata

models: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.model]] = (source)

data models

opacity: float = (source)

layer opacity

ows: t.Optional[OwsConfig] = (source)

configuration for OWS services

templates: t.Optional[list[gws.ext.config.template]] = (source)

layer templates

title: str = (source)

layer title

withCache: t.Optional[bool] = (source)

layer is cached

withLegend: t.Optional[bool] = (source)

layer has a legend

withOws: t.Optional[bool] = (source)

layer is enabled for OWS services

withSearch: t.Optional[bool] = (source)

layer is searchable

layer resolutions and scales