HTML template for the client

The GWS client requires a specially constructed HTML template. This template can be static or dynamic (an "asset"), and should contain elements described below. Apart from that, any other HTML content can be included.

The template should contain the following elements:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Client stylesheet -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_/webSystemAsset/path/light.css" type="text/css"/>

    <!-- Client options -->
    <script id="gwsOptions" type="application/json">
            "projectUid": "my_project",
            "showLayers": ["someLayer"]

    <!-- Client vendor bundle -->
    <script src="/_/webSystemAsset/path/vendor.js"></script>

    <!-- Client application bundle -->
    <script src="/_/webSystemAsset/path/app.js"></script>


    <!-- HTML container -->
    <div class="gws"></div>


It is also recommended to set the character set ('utf8') and to disable viewport scaling.

    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"/>

Using locales

In multi-language configurations, to display the client in a specific locale, the localeUid parameter must be added to both the options block and the Application bundle URL:


<script id="gwsOptions" type="application/json">
        "projectUid": "my_project",
        "showLayers": ["someLayer"],
        "localeUid": "en_US"
<script src="/_/webSystemAsset/localeUid/en_US/path/app.js"></script>

Container element

The client is rendered inside a container element, usually a div. This element must have a class name gws. If no such element exists in the template, it will be created automatically. You can mix the container with other HTML content and style it as you see fit, for example:


.gws {
    width: 800px;
    height: 600px;
    box-shadow: 10px 0 5px #c0c0c0;



    <div class="gws"></div>
    <figcaption>The map of Düsseldorf</figcaption>

    Düsseldorf is the capital city of North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state of Germany.

Client options

The options for the client must be provided as a JSON object within a <script> tag. The tag must have its type set to "application/json" and an id of "gwsOptions". The following options are supported:

projectUidstringID of the project that should be loaded in the client.
localeUidstringLocale ID like de_DE or en_US.
serverUrlstringA custom URL of the GWS server.
markFeaturesArray<Feature>Features that should be highlighted upon loading the client.
showLayersArray<string>IDs of project layers that should be set visible upon loading.
hideLayersArray<string>IDs of project layers that should be set hidden upon loading.
customStringsobjectA dictionary of custom strings, as in strings.ini files.


<script id="gwsOptions" type="application/json">
    "projectUid": "my_project",
    "serverUrl": "http://other.server",
    "markFeatures": [
            "attributes": {
                "geometry": {
                    "crs": "EPSG:3857",
                    "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [750220, 6674533]}
            "views": {
                "description": "<p>Feature One</p>"
            "attributes": {
                "geometry": {
                    "crs": "EPSG:3857",
                    "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [750230, 6674593]}
            "views": {
                "description": "<p>Feature Two</p>"
    "showLayers": [
    "hideLayers": [
    "customStrings": {
        "printerTemplate": "Select a template now!",
        "annotateCancelButton": "Cancel now!"