
GWS tests are located in gws/_test. Tests are organized in suites, one suite for each server extension or a module. Besides, there is the unit suite which contains unit tests. Each suite runs in its own docker container.

The structure of a suite is as follows:

  • data/ - contains the configuration and resource files for the docker machine
  • data/config.cx - configuration file
  • init.py - (optional) runs in the container before starting the gws server
  • test*.py - one or more test files starting with test that contain the actual tests

The tests are orchestrated by the command script _test/cmd.py and a small server that starts and stops docker container on demand. cmd.py requires some configuration, which is located in _test/cmd.ini, additionally, you can provide a --config param to the runner if you need to overwrite values from cmd.ini.

The first step is to start the server

cmd.py server --config my.config.ini

Leave the server running on the background and (in a new console) run the selected suite

cmd.py run --config my.config.ini --suite my.suite.name

Run cmd.py without params to see all the options.

Test files

Our tests run on pytest. Everything that starts with test_ is being run and assert is used for test assertions. We provide a few helpers in util.py which you can include in your tests to simplify repetitive tasks.


make_features in util.py can be used to generate point or square features on a rectangular grid and save them in a postgres table or a geojson file. Additionally, common/const.py contains a list of reference locations to visually assess positioning and reprojection on a map. Example of use

    'postgres:my_table',          # create a postgres table my_table
    geom_type='square',           # use square geometries
    prop_schema={                 # generate properties according to this schema
        'property1': 'int',
        'property2': 'text',
    crs='EPSG:3857',              # geometries are in this crs
    rows=10,                      # create 10 rows
    cols=5,                       # create 5 columns
    xy=cc.POINTS.ny,              # use the 'ny' reference location as a starting point
    gap=100,                      # keep 100m between features

Fixture generation code should be placed in init.py in the respective suite.