
Backend for the Flurstückssuche (cadaster parlcels search) form.

Source code: gws.plugin.alkis.action

Module Contents

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.BuchungConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.ConfigWithAccess

Access to the Grundbuch (register) information

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.BuchungOptions

Bases: gws.Node

Configurable GWS object.

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.Config(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.ConfigWithAccess

Flurstückssuche action

buchung: BuchungConfig | None

access to the Grundbuch (register) information

buchungsblattSearchOptions: gws.TextSearchOptions | None
crs: gws.CrsName

CRS for the ALKIS data

dataSchema: str = 'public'

schema where ALKIS tables are stored

dbUid: str = ''

database provider ID

eigentuemer: EigentuemerConfig | None

access to the Eigentümer (owner) information

excludeGemarkung: list[str] | None

Gemarkung (Administrative Unit) IDs to exclude from search

export: Config.export | None

csv export configuration

indexSchema: str = 'gws8'

schema to store GWS internal indexes

limit: int = 100

search results limit

nameSearchOptions: gws.TextSearchOptions | None
printers: list[gws.base.printer.Config] | None

print configurations

storage: | None

storage configuration

strasseSearchOptions: gws.TextSearchOptions | None
templates: list[gws.ext.config.template] | None

templates for Flurstueck details

ui: Ui | None

ui options

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.EigentuemerConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.ConfigWithAccess

Access to the Eigentümer (owner) information

controlMode: bool = False

restricted mode enabled

controlRules: list[str] | None

regular expression for the restricted input control

logTable: str = ''

data access protocol table name

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.EigentuemerOptions

Bases: gws.Node

Configurable GWS object.

controlMode: bool
controlRules: list[str]
logTable: | None
logTableName: str

Configuration hook.

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.ExportFlurstueckRequest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Request

Command request.

findRequest: FindFlurstueckRequest
groupIndexes: list[int]
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.ExportFlurstueckResponse(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Response

Command response.

content: str
mime: str
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.ExportGroupProps(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Props

Object properties.

index: int
title: str
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.FindAdresseRequest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Request

Command request.

bisHausnummer: str | None
combinedAdresseCode: str | None
crs: gws.Crs | None
gemarkung: str | None
gemarkungCode: str | None
gemeinde: str | None
gemeindeCode: str | None
hausnummer: str | None
hausnummerNotNull: bool | None
kreis: str | None
kreisCode: str | None
land: str | None
landCode: str | None
regierungsbezirk: str | None
regierungsbezirkCode: str | None
strasse: str | None
wantHistorySearch: bool | None
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.FindAdresseResponse(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Response

Command response.

features: list[gws.FeatureProps]
total: int
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.FindFlurstueckRequest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Request

Command request.

bblatt: str | None
combinedFlurstueckCode: str | None
crs: gws.CrsName | None
displayThemes: list[] | None
eigentuemerControlInput: str | None
flaecheBis: float | None
flaecheVon: float | None
flurnummer: str | None
flurstuecksfolge: str | None
fsnummer: str | None
gemarkung: str | None
gemarkungCode: str | None
gemeinde: str | None
gemeindeCode: str | None
hausnummer: str | None
kreis: str | None
kreisCode: str | None
land: str | None
landCode: str | None
limit: int | None
nenner: str | None
personName: str | None
personVorname: str | None
regierungsbezirk: str | None
regierungsbezirkCode: str | None
shapes: list[gws.base.shape.Props] | None
strasse: str | None
uids: list[str] | None
wantEigentuemer: bool | None
wantHistoryDisplay: bool | None
wantHistorySearch: bool | None
zaehler: str | None
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.FindFlurstueckResponse(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Response

Command response.

features: list[gws.FeatureProps]
total: int
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.FindFlurstueckResult(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Data

Basic data object.

This object can be instantiated by passing one or or dict arguments and/or keyword args. All dicts keys and keywords become attributes of the object.

Accessing an undefined attribute returns None and no error is raised, unless the attribute name starts with an underscore.

flurstueckList: list[]
total: int
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.GemarkungListMode

Bases: gws.Enum

Enumeration type.

Despite being declared as extending Enum (for IDE support), this class is actually just a simple object and intended to be used as a collection of attributes. It doesn’t provide any Enum-specific utilities.

The rationale behind this is that we need Enum members (e.g. Color.RED) to be scalars, and not complex objects as in the standard Enum.

combined = 'combined'

“gemarkung (gemeinde)

none = 'none'

do not show the list

plain = 'plain'

only “gemarkung

tree = 'tree'

a tree with level 1 = gemeinde and level 2 = gemarkung

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.GetToponymsRequest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Request

Command request.

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.GetToponymsResponse(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Response

Command response.

gemarkung: list[list[str]]
gemeinde: list[list[str]]
strasse: list[list[str]]
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.Model

Bases: gws.base.model.default_model.Object

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.Object

Bases: gws.base.action.Object

ADRESSE_QUERY_FIELDS = ['gemarkung', 'gemarkungCode', 'gemeinde', 'gemeindeCode', 'kreis', 'kreisCode', 'land',...
buchung: BuchungOptions
buchungsblattSearchOptions: gws.TextSearchOptions
COMBINED_ADRESSE_FIELDS = ['strasse', 'hausnummer', 'plz', 'gemeinde', 'bisHausnummer']
COMBINED_FLURSTUECK_FIELDS = ['landCode', 'gemarkungCode', 'flurnummer', 'zaehler', 'nenner', 'flurstuecksfolge']
dataSchema: str
db: gws.DatabaseProvider
eigentuemer: EigentuemerOptions
excludeGemarkung: set[str]
export: Object.export | None
FLURSTUECK_QUERY_FIELDS = ['flurnummer', 'flurstuecksfolge', 'zaehler', 'nenner', 'flurstueckskennzeichen', 'flaecheBis',...
limit: int
model: gws.Model
nameSearchOptions: gws.TextSearchOptions
printers: list[gws.Printer]
storage: | None
strasseSearchOptions: gws.TextSearchOptions
templates: list[gws.Template]
ui: Ui
export_flurstueck(req: gws.WebRequester, p: ExportFlurstueckRequest) ExportFlurstueckResponse
find_adresse(req: gws.WebRequester, p: FindAdresseRequest) FindAdresseResponse

Perform an Adresse search.

find_adresse_objects(req: gws.WebRequester, p: FindAdresseRequest) tuple[list[],]
find_flurstueck(req: gws.WebRequester, p: FindFlurstueckRequest) FindFlurstueckResponse

Perform a Flurstueck search

find_flurstueck_objects(req: gws.WebRequester, p: FindFlurstueckRequest) tuple[list[],]
get_toponyms(req: gws.WebRequester, p: GetToponymsRequest) GetToponymsResponse

Return all Toponyms (Gemeinde/Gemarkung/Strasse) in the area

handle_storage(req: gws.WebRequester, p:
print_flurstueck(req: gws.WebRequester, p: PrintFlurstueckRequest) gws.PrintJobResponse

Print Flurstueck features

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.PrintFlurstueckRequest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Request

Command request.

featureStyle: gws.StyleProps
findRequest: FindFlurstueckRequest
printRequest: gws.PrintRequest
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.Props

Bases: gws.base.action.Props

exportGroups: list[ExportGroupProps]
limit: int
printer: gws.base.printer.Props | None
storage: | None
ui: Ui
withBuchung: bool
withEigentuemer: bool
withEigentuemerControl: bool
withFlurnummer: bool
class gws.plugin.alkis.action.StrasseListMode

Bases: gws.Enum

Enumeration type.

Despite being declared as extending Enum (for IDE support), this class is actually just a simple object and intended to be used as a collection of attributes. It doesn’t provide any Enum-specific utilities.

The rationale behind this is that we need Enum members (e.g. Color.RED) to be scalars, and not complex objects as in the standard Enum.

plain = 'plain'

just strasse

withGemarkung = 'withGemarkung'

strasse (gemarkung)

withGemarkungIfRepeated = 'withGemarkungIfRepeated'

strasse (gemarkung), when needed for disambiguation

withGemeinde = 'withGemeinde'

strasse (gemeinde)

withGemeindeIfRepeated = 'withGemeindeIfRepeated'

strasse (gemeinde), when needed for disambiguation

class gws.plugin.alkis.action.Ui(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Config

Flurstückssuche UI configuration.

autoSpatialSearch: bool = False

activate spatial search after submit

gemarkungListMode: GemarkungListMode = 'combined'

gemarkung list mode

searchSelection: bool = False

search in selection enabled

searchSpatial: bool = False

spatial search enabled

strasseListMode: StrasseListMode = 'plain'

strasse list entry format

useExport: bool = False

export function enabled

useHistory: bool = False

history controls enabled

usePick: bool = False

pick mode enabled

useSelect: bool = False

select mode enabled