
Account plugin.

This plugin manages user accounts. Accounts are stored in a database table. This plugin provides facilities for managing and editing account data and thus is different from the “sql” authorization provider, which can only authorize users.

The accounts DB table can have an arbitrary name and should contain the following columns:

id              int primary key generated always as identity,

email           text not null,  -- user email
status          int default 0,  -- use status

password        text,           -- password hash
mfauid          text,           -- MFA adapter uid, if used
mfasecret       text,           -- MFA secret value

tc              text,           -- storage for a temporary code
tctime          int,            -- temporary code timestamp
tccategory      text,           -- temporary code category

The table can also contain further columns for user info and data. These columns can be configured in the account models and thus made editable for account administrators and/or end users.

This plugin provides the global account helper, which contains database models and various options.

Additionally, the following components are defined:

  • account administration: action accountAdmin and the client component Sidebar.AccountAdmin.

  • account management for end users: action account and the client component Dialog.Account. Also used for the onboarding procedure.

  • authorization provider account. Authorizes users based on the accounts table.

These components are optional and can be used together or separately. All components require the global helper to be configured.

Configuration example:

@# global configuration

helpers+ {
    type "account"
    adminModel { ... definition for the administrator model }

auth.providers+ {
    type "account"

@# some "admin" project

projects+ {
    action {
        type "accountAdmin" "allow admin, deny all"
    client.addElements {
        tag "Sidebar.AccountAdmin"

@# some "user" project

projects+ {
    action {
        type "account" "allow user, deny all"
    client.addElements {
        tag "Dialog.Account"

Source code: gws.plugin.account
