
Zipfile wrappers.

Source code: gws.lib.zipx

Package Contents

exception gws.lib.zipx.Error

Bases: gws.Error

GWS error.

gws.lib.zipx.unzip(path: str, target_dir: str, flat: bool = False) int

Unpack a zip archive into a directory.

  • path – Path to the zip archive.

  • target_dir – Path to the target directory.

  • flat – If True omit path and consider only base name of files in the zip archive, else complete paths are considered of files in the zip archive. Default is False.


The amount of unzipped files.

gws.lib.zipx.unzip_bytes(source: bytes, target_dir: str, flat: bool = False) int

Unpack a zip archive in memory into a directory.

  • source – Path to the zip archive.

  • target_dir – Path to the target directory.

  • flat – If True omit path and consider only base name of files in the zip archive, else complete paths are considered of files in the zip archive. Default is False.


The amount of unzipped files.

gws.lib.zipx.unzip_bytes_to_dict(source: bytes, flat: bool = False) dict

Unpack a zip archive in memory into a dict.

  • source – Path to zip archive.

  • flat – If True then the dictionary contains the base names of the unzipped files, else it contains the whole path. Default is False.


A dictionary containing all the file paths or base names.

gws.lib.zipx.unzip_to_dict(path: str, flat: bool = False) dict

Unpack a zip archive into a dict.

  • path – Path to the zip archive.

  • flat – If True then the dictionary contains the base names of the unzipped files, else it contains the whole path. Default is False.


A dictionary containing all the file paths or base names. str, *sources: str, flat: bool = False) int

Create a zip archive in a file.

  • path – Path to the zip archive.

  • sources – Paths to the sources to zip.

  • flat – If True base names are being kept in zip archive, else whole paths are being kept in zip archive. Default is False


The amount of files in the zip archive.

gws.lib.zipx.zip_to_bytes(*sources: str, flat: bool = False) bytes

Create a zip archive in memory.

  • sources – Paths to the sources to zip.

  • flat – If True only base names will be returned, else the whole paths will be returned. Default is False.


The names of the file paths encoded in bytes.