
Generate HOTP and TOTP tokens.


Source code: gws.lib.otp

Package Contents

gws.lib.otp.base32_decode(s: str) bytes
gws.lib.otp.base32_encode(s: str | bytes) str
gws.lib.otp.check_totp(input: str, secret: str, timestamp: int, options: Options | None = None) bool

Check if the input TOTP is valid.

Compares the input against several TOTPs within the tolerance window (timestamp-step*tolerance...timestamp+step*tolerance).

gws.lib.otp.hotp_key_uri(secret: str | bytes, issuer_name: str, account_name: str, counter: int | None = None, options: Options | None = None) str
gws.lib.otp.new_hotp(secret: str | bytes, counter: int, options: Options | None = None) str

Generate a new HOTP value as per rfc4226 section 5.3.

gws.lib.otp.new_totp(secret: str | bytes, timestamp: int, options: Options | None = None) str

Generate a new TOTP value as per rfc6238 section 4.2.

class gws.lib.otp.Options(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Data

Basic data object.

This object can be instantiated by passing one or or dict arguments and/or keyword args. All dicts keys and keywords become attributes of the object.

Accessing an undefined attribute returns None and no error is raised, unless the attribute name starts with an underscore.

algo: str
length: int
start: int
step: int
tolerance: int
gws.lib.otp.random_secret(base32_length: int = 32) str

Generate a random printable secret that fits into base32_length.

gws.lib.otp.totp_key_uri(secret: str | bytes, issuer_name: str, account_name: str, options: Options | None = None) str