
GML geometry writer.

Source code: gws.gis.gml.writer

Module Contents

gws.gis.gml.writer.shape_to_element(shape: gws.Shape, version: int = 3, coordinate_precision: int | None = None, always_xy: bool = False, with_xmlns: bool = True, with_inline_xmlns: bool = False, namespace: gws.XmlNamespace | None = None, crs_format: gws.CrsFormat | None = None) gws.XmlElement

Convert a Shape to a GML geometry element.

  • shape – A Shape object.

  • version – GML version (2 or 3).

  • coordinate_precision – The amount of decimal places.

  • always_xy – If True, coordinates are assumed to be always in the XY (lon/lat) order.

  • with_xmlns – If True add the “gml” namespace prefix.

  • with_inline_xmlns – If True add inline “xmlns” attributes.

  • namespace – Use this namespace (default “gml”).

  • crs_format – Crs format to use (default “url” for version 2 and “urn” for version 3).


A GML element.