
Provides the printing API.

Source code: gws.base.printer.action

Module Contents

class gws.base.printer.action.CliParams(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.CliParams

CLI params

output: str

output path

project: str | None

project uid

request: str

path to request.json

class gws.base.printer.action.Config

Bases: gws.base.action.Config

class gws.base.printer.action.JobRequest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Request

Command request.

jobUid: str
class gws.base.printer.action.Object

Bases: gws.base.action.Object

cancel(req: gws.WebRequester, p: JobRequest) gws.PrintJobResponse

Cancel a print job

get_result(req: gws.WebRequester, p: JobRequest) gws.ContentResponse

Get the result of a print job as a byte stream

get_status(req: gws.WebRequester, p: JobRequest) gws.PrintJobResponse

Query the print job status

print(p: CliParams)

Print using the specified params

start_print(req: gws.WebRequester, p: gws.PrintRequest) gws.PrintJobResponse

Start a background print job

class gws.base.printer.action.Props

Bases: gws.base.action.Props