
Source code: gws.base.client


Package Contents

class gws.base.client.Config(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.ConfigWithAccess

GWS client configuration

addElements: list[ElementConfig] | None

add elements to the parent element list

elements: list[ElementConfig] | None

client UI elements

options: dict | None

client options

removeElements: list[ElementConfig] | None

remove elements from the parent element list

class gws.base.client.Object

Bases: gws.Client

GWS Client control object.

elements: list[Element]
options: dict

Configuration hook.


Generate a Props struct for this object.


user – The user for which the props should be generated.

class gws.base.client.Props(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: gws.Data

Basic data object.

This object can be instantiated by passing one or or dict arguments and/or keyword args. All dicts keys and keywords become attributes of the object.

Accessing an undefined attribute returns None and no error is raised, unless the attribute name starts with an underscore.

elements: list[ElementProps] | None
options: dict | None